My name is Holly and I am on a mission to help people change the way they feel about themselves and create a life they love.

As a Certified Gallup® Strengths Coach, Enneagram Expert and HeartMath® Certified Mentor, I am a champion for self-awareness as a strategy to transform people’s lives.

I developed the Decision Umbrella method to inspire, encourage and support you on this journey. 


As long as I can remember,  I have been fascinated with human behavior—particularly the question of why those who seemingly have everything that we think makes up a happy life still feel stuck, frustrated and unfulfilled. The search to find answers to this question led me to a life long love of purpose, meaning and positive psychology. 

I practically grew up in the self help aisles of the local book store—surrounded by titles that promised change, happiness and success. My fascination with all things mind and behavior led me to earn degrees in Psychology and Sociology. 

What I know for sure:

Our world needs more people who are self-aware, emotionally regulated and happy.

It is possible to find meaning and purpose and to create a life you love.

Self-awareness is a superpower that transforms lives.

It all starts with a Decision.

Holly’s “love list”:

Positive Psychology

The Power of Choice

Heart/Brain Coherence


Subconscious patterns

Polyvagal Theory

Meditation & Mindfullness

The Narrative Enneagram

Top 5 Gallup Strengths:

Ideation | Command | Competition | Maximizer | Futuristic

Have you started your Decision Umbrella Deck?

Share your favorite cards and learning moments with the hashtag #umbrellasup! on social media.